
What personal and collective tools can we tap into when our reserves are low? The intention behind this question is to begin to share resources and ideas with one another.


"So when you're choosing to do an activity, or something that you want to help express, or release or anything, being fully in the moment."


“What I learned through therapy really helped get me to where I am today, getting him out of my life was really important for me moving on.”


“Where was I at in that moment? Where am I at now? And trying to dissect like where was my thinking then versus now.”


“What has really impacted me the most, and has given me a sense of being and belonging, and community, has been sharing with other survivors and holding space for them as well.”


“So every morning, I will wake up- and I still do it now- and I put on motivational speeches in the morning, and motivational speakers.”


“I think what's been helpful for me, honestly, has been yoga. So I started towards the end of this relationship, and I practiced daily for a long time after the relationship.”


“When I get anxiety, or when I would feel overwhelmed, I put together a little sensory pack. Something soft and silky, that I can touch. A jar of lavender oil. And, a photo of my daughter and my dog.”