“Our Stories of Strength” is a project dedicated to sharing the experiences of Survivors of domestic violence, with a focus on healing both individually and within the community. Funded by a Creatives Rebuild New York Employment grant, it is the result of a collaboration between artist Sarah C. Rutherford and Willow Domestic Violence Center. 

The Project Origins

In 2020 Sarah C. Rutherford collaborated with Willow Domestic Violence Center to create a public monument honoring Survivors' journeys of healing. By viewing a large-scale mural titled “Stories of Strength” located on the Times Square Building in downtown Rochester, New York, the public can now share in this journey of healing. 

In 2022 Sarah and Willow embarked on an expansion of “Stories of Strength” by focusing on broadening understanding and awareness of Survivors' experiences. You can engage with that collaboration of hope and healing at storiesofstrengthroc.org.

Most recently, Sarah was awarded a Creatives Rebuild New York Employment Grant in partnership with Willow. 

This grant gave 30 Survivors the opportunity to explore storytelling as a tool for healing. These Survivor stories have been recorded, providing opportunities to individuals at various stages of their healing to share their narratives. Throughout the process, careful attention was paid to multiple consent checkpoints, ensuring the safety and comfort of the Survivors. 

In October 2024,  the initiative culminated in an exhibition at RIT City Art Space, situated within walking distance of the original mural. The exhibition showcases interview excerpts, as well as artwork featuring the hands of Survivors.

SARAH c. rutherford

Sarah C. Rutherford is a muralist, educator, and interdisciplinary artist based in Rochester, New York. She has gained recognition both nationally and internationally for her large-scale public murals. which are crafted in close collaboration with the communities and individuals they represent. Over the past 15 years, Sarah has co-founded THE YARDS Collaborative Art Space and Roc Paint Division Youth Employment Program, both initiatives aimed at fostering the growth of emerging artists. Her public art project, "Her Voice Carries," celebrates local women who amplify the voices around them.

A Message from Sarah

In designing the original mural project Stories of Strength, I was able to speak with five Survivors about their experiences. From the beginning, I knew I wanted to focus the mural around healing and connection, especially during a time of disconnection amidst the pandemic which saw increased rates of domestic violence. It was through these interviews that I realized both the wide range of experiences and also throughlines that emerged within each Survivor's story along the path of healing. 

Survivor stories are often focused on the height of trauma as a way to bring awareness and often as a fundraising tool. What isn’t given as much attention publicly is how we heal from these experiences and how we can share tools and support with one another along the way. While these interviews allowed space for both, there was no expectation around sharing. Some Survivors chose to solely reflect on their experiences while others chose to share specific parts of their journeys. 

From the beginning, I knew I didn’t want the final product to dictate the entire process. Survivors' comfort outweighed all other variables, and consent was a key element. Survivors had the opportunity to review their recordings and ask for edits or elect for them to not be shared publicly. Sharing your story, even with one other person, can be healing. Survivors can also withdraw consent at any time. While 30 Survivors were interviewed, as of October 2024 we have ____ featured on the website. 

Conversations around healing can be triggering if your basic needs and safety are not being met. We tried our best to make sure Survivors were in a place in their journey where reflecting on their experiences would be empowering. While we tried to make sure our stories accurately depicted the reality that domestic violence can affect anyone regardless of race, age, sexual orientation, religion, or gender, there are still gaps in representation. The reality is these gaps reflect those who experience the greatest barriers to accessing support and resources. 

Thirty stories cannot fully represent everyone impacted by domestic violence in Rochester. My hope is this is only the beginning. My dream is for this project to grow bigger than Rochester, Willow and me. 

To all the Survivors involved in the project, I will forever be grateful for the time and trust you placed in me and the project. I am in awe of your compassion, resilience and strength. These stories represent a slice in time that is being shared, but your story will continue to evolve. Thank you for sharing your words with us.

Thank you to the incredible collaborators who made this project possible:

Willow Domestic Violence Center 
Creatives Rebuild NY 

Production Team:
Sarah Studwell
Hannah Craft
Tiffany Starpoli
Roc Vox Recording & Production, LLC.

Exhibition Support:
RIT City Art Space
Sarah LoVasco
Bradley Flower
Georgina Rutherford 
David Sanchez

Website Design: 
Partners + Napier 

Willow Special Thanks:
Christina Till 
Nicole Morelle 
Meaghan de Chateauvieux

Nicole Lupinetti
Izaac Ochoa
Sonya Chavis

Graphic Design: 
Kari Petsche

Recording Locations and Support:
M. K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence
First Unitarian Church 

Video Consultant:
Stacy Lawrence