
"People need to stop looking at survivors like we're broken and need pity. We need empowerment."

"I've always felt misunderstood by society because my trauma didn't start or end.
My story is my whole life because that's all I've ever known, is being abused. And my story is one that is a repetition; repeating a pattern over and over again. But every person along the line was a recreation of my parents, a recreation of my neighbor, my brother, because I was trying to heal my original trauma by getting in these relationships with these men who are very similar, and that wasn't my fault.

“I'm a human being. I deserve to be here. I'm alive. I'm alive for a reason, and it doesn't have to be this divine reason, but I am alive despite everything, despite everything I've been through, I'm still here. I've survived everything I went through. But now I speak knowing that I am who I am and I've been that person all along, I just had to bury her because I didn't think anybody would accept or love her.  And I'm unapologetically myself now."

Tags: Complex trauma, Abusive childhood, Cycles, Non-linear healing