"There's so much tending to yourself that happens. But there's a lot of shrapnel in these relationships that hit so many other peripheral people. And so, I think holding space for all- everybody to get tended to is really important."

It's very hard to think of yourself as a survivor. It almost feels selfish in a way, but sitting here right now, it's an accomplishment.

I didn't even know until I put that restraining order on him that there were more kinds of abuse than physical or mental. I didn't know financial abuse was a thing…

I've learned that I'm allowed to be happy.

Whether you're deep into your relationship and you're being abused in any way, shape, or form, you're more knowledgeable today than you were yesterday.

I speak as someone who values my own life, at this point.
I speak as someone who's still fighting to get to the end.  
I speak as a survivor. 
I speak as someone who regained their happiness.

Tags: Financial abuse, physical abuse, cycles/patterns

Content warnings: Physical violence, sexual violence, pregnancy loss, suicidal ideation