“Your sense of agency is the first thing that you owe to yourself, and if it means grieving on your own timeline, then that's your choice, and you should do that.”

I'm a doctor and I work with abuse patients, victims a lot, and I've seen some really horrible things, right? I never had bruises. I never ended up in the emergency department. I'm not dead. Realistically I did have a lot more resources than other people do. So it just, it feels really arrogant to call myself a survivor when I haven't been through those same things. 

I think I'm still in the midst of my trauma. I left July 10th, 2022.

I had my children's names picked up. I was supposed to be a mom right now. 

I struggle with PTSD.  And I feel behind.  And I feel like I failed. I'm a psychiatrist and I feel like I should have seen this coming.

I speak as someone who's slowly rebuilding myself.

I think I'm someone who needs a good amount of external validation.

I had myself questioning, not my identity as a woman, but my value as a woman.

And I'm rebuilding that sense of identity. The thing I've confirmed for myself recently is, I'm a good doctor. And I think I am likable.

Tags:  Physical abuse, emotional abuse, identity